Try This Move: Supine Extensions

Supine Resistance Band Extension

  • I used a 15 - 35 lb band. If you don't have a resistance band, just follow the move without it.

  • Grab the band at shoulder width. Lie face down, gaze 10 inches out in front of you, and extend your arms out past your head. Pull your hands apart until you feel resistance (the wider the more resistance you'll feel).

  • Retract your shoulder blades and arms, keep your elbows high, maintain the tension, and pull the band down towards your shoulders.

  • Holding a tight grip, from your glutes to your hands, is essential to keep your wrists and hands from caving in.

  • Keep your tail bone tucked, glutes tight, core engaged.

  • 3 sets x 10 reps


Try This Move: Hollow Body Superset


Ruck Plate Series: Workout 4 (last one)