Ruck Plate Series: Workout 4 (last one)

My girlfriend gifted me a Ruck Plate Carrier and 30 lb Ruck plate for our two year anniversary.

The Ruck Plate Carrier is a game changer. But the bigger surprise is the Ruck plate itself. It’s unique one foot rectangular shape lends itself to a lot of different movements. The morning after I got it I put together this workout series.

The series is four workouts. Each one progresses in difficulty, with 1 being the easiest, 4 the most difficult. The weight stays the same, but the complexity of the movements increases.

I had a lot of fun doing this and I think you can to. Give it a try. This is the last workout of the series and the most challenging.

Workout 4: Perform 10 repetitions of each exercise, with a 30 - 60 second break in between each. Repeat the circuit 3 - 4 times. 

  • Hollow body press and tricep ext - 10 repetitions

    • Lay on your back and bring your heels to touch your fingertips

    • Tuck your tailbone, squeeze your glutes and engage your core as you extend your legs and elevated your feet 6 - 12 inches off the floor

    • Hold the weight with your palms facing in, crunch up, then press the weight away

    • Bend your elbows put keep them tucked and lower the weight behind your head

  • Rear foot elevated split squat - 10 repetitions per leg

    • Stand tall with the back of your knees touching a chair (or something of similar height), and hold the weight in one hand with your palm facing you

    • Tuck your tailbone, squeeze your glutes and engage your core, as take one step away from the chair

    • Lift one leg up and rest the top of your foot on the chair

    • Bend your front knee, sit into your glutes annd come down to 90 degrees and then press your front foot through the floor back up

    • Use your back foot and the big toe on your front foot for balance

  • RDL single arm row - 10 repetitions per arm

    • Tuck your tailbone, squeeze your glutes and engage your core to bend forward and lift one leg off of the ground

    • Let the weight hang in one arm with a neutral grip

    • Pull the weight towards you by engaging your rear deltoids and lats (keep those muscle engaged as you lower the weight back down)

  • Hollow body rotations - 20 total repetitions (10 per side)

    • Lay on your back and bring your heels to touch your fingertips

    • Tuck your tailbone, squeeze your glutes and engage your core as you extend your legs and elevated your feet 6 - 12 inches off the floor

    • Hold the weight with your palms facing in, crunch up, and then move the weight to one side and then back across to the opposite side

  • Curtsy lunge with press - 10 total repetitions (5 per leg)

    • Hold the weight just under your chin, palms facing in towards each other

    • Tuck your tailbone, squeeze your glutes and engage your core

    • Take a step back behind your opposite leg, and bend both knees

    • Drive off your front leg to stand back up, and press the weight overhead

  • Alternating pick ups - 10 repetitions per arm

    • Stand tall holding the weight in one hand with a neutral grip.

    • Tuck your tailbone, squeeze your glutes and engage your core, then hinge your hips to bend forward slightly

    • Pull the weight up just under you chin and grab the opposite handle with your opposite arm

    • Lower the weight back down to the ground and then repeat


Two Exercises For An At Home Workout


Ruck Plate Series: Workout 3