Try This Move: Uneven Renegade Rows

Uneven Renegade Rows

  • The best match I had was a 30 lb Ruck Plate and a 35 lb Kettlebell. I evened it out by adjusting the reps (2 sets x 5 reps per arm, 1 set x 10 reps per arm).

  • Stand with your feet about shoulder width, in a comfortable position. Tuck your tail bone, squeeze your glutes, engage your core and hinge to come down towards the weights.

  • Grab the weights firmly. Lift your chest away from the ground, bringing both weights off the ground.

  • Start the movement by activating your shoulder, rear deltoid and then lats on one arm, and then lower the weight back down as you keep those muscles engaged. Repeat the movement on the other side.

  • Make sure to breath and keep your glutes to your rear deltoids engaged.


Modified Gym Workout At Home


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