Try These Moves: Push up Variations

To stay consistent with your exercise practice it’s important to be able to measure your progress. One way of doing that is by experimenting with variations of classic moves. It’s also a good way to keep your program from becoming boring.

I love working on exercises that recruit more muscles than the classic version.

Variations are also important because you’ll learn how to regress or progress a move.

Today I’m focusing on four (4) push up variations. Work on these three movements until you can perform 10, and then move onto the next level. Alternatively work it as a complex, completing 1 repetition of each in succession for as many rounds as you can.

Push-up Progression: Push up to shoulder tap - Push up to 2 pt plank - Plyometric push up - Plyometric clap push up

  • Regression - Push up to shoulder tap: Bringing one hand off the ground reduces stability and forces core engagement.

    • Start in a push up position, with your hands just past shoulder width, in-line vertically with your chest. Tuck your tail bone, squeeze your glutes.

    • Descend into a push up, with your elbows back and then push back up to a plank.

    • At the top of the movement squeeze your glutes, lock your quads and push through the floor as you pick one hand up to touch the opposite help.

  • Baseline - Push up to 2 pt plank: Having only 2 points of contact with the floor further destabilizes you and forces core and glute engagement.

    • Start in a push up position, with your hands just past shoulder width, in-line vertically with your chest. Tuck your tail bone, squeeze your glutes.

    • Descend into a push up, with your elbows back and then push back up to a plank.

    • At the top of the movement squeeze your glutes, lock your quads and tuck your tailbone.

    • Keep your chin tucked (there’s a tendency to lift your head when doing these), grab the mat (floor) with your finger padss, and lift your opposite arm and leg and balance for a 1 count.

    • Descend back down to the ground and push up through the floor and lift your other oppossite arm and leg.

  • Progression - Plyometric push up: Exploding off of the floor creates strength and power.

    • Start in a push up position, with your hands just past shoulder width, in-line vertically with your chest. Tuck your tail bone, squeeze your glutes.

    • Descend into a push up, with your elbows back.

    • At the bottom of the movement push hard through the floor, press evenly through each hand, and explode so your hands are an inch or two off the floor.

    • Let the momentum take you back down to the ground before exploding up again.

  • Advanced - Plyometric clap push up: Exploding off of the floor creates strength and power, the clap adds the need to really explode hard.

    • Start in a push up position, with your hands just past shoulder width, in-line vertically with your chest. Tuck your tail bone, squeeze your glutes.

    • Descend into a push up, with your elbows back.

    • At the bottom of the movement push hard through the floor, press evenly through each hand, and explode back up.

    • At the top of the movement bring your hands together and clap

    • Let the momentum take you back down to the ground before exploding up again.


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