Christmas Day’s Modified Workout

I thought it would be fun to share the thought process beyond modifying my workout on Christmas Day to get it done at home. The video above is a condensed video of the modified workout I did on Christmas. Pictured below is the workout I was excited to do.

On the chart above the weight and reps listed are from last week. This week my goal would’ve been at a minimum to replicate those numbers, and ideally increase the weight 5% - 10% on select exercises (i.e. dumbbell press, 3-point row).

One of the reasons I would’ve been looking to increase the weights is because yesterday started week 3 of the 4 week program I’ve been working on. Week 3 is an exciting time. Since I usually spend the first two weeks making modifications, figuring out the right weights, and getting comfortable with the moves, week 3 is when I can start pushing it. But alas, the gym was closed for Christmas so progress would have to wait or be achieved by other means.

At first I thought I’d move all my workouts back a day and spend the morning on the assault bike, so I could keep my week of workouts as planned. But then I thought fuck it. Embrace the opportunity to be creative and do something different.

It was Christmas Day and I had 1 hour to warm up, workout, and down regulate before we ate dinner at 3 pm. So to save time I cut 1 set from the first circuit, cut my rest intervals by 30 seconds, and intentionally kept the intensity low (saving my energy for Christmas). I also thought I’d save time through the efficiency of having everything I needed within reach, as opposed to scattered throughout a gym.

The workout below took 32 minutes (47 mins with warm up and down regulation). I was at dinner by 3:02 pm (late).

Each substitute exercise was chosen intentionally for a specific reason. From accounting for lighter weights, to accommodating for equipment I didn’t have. Read on to learn why. For full descriptions and to see video demonstrations click the modified exercises, or click here for all of the videos.

Bench Press —> Ruck Plate Push Up

  • For our two year anniversary my girlfriend bought me a Ruck Sack with a 30 lb plate. So I figured an easy switch was to put that on and do some push ups.

  • It was low intensity compared to what I normally press, but it was Christmas so that was okay

  • 3 sets x 10 reps

Dumbbell curl —> Isometric kettlebell curl

  • I had two kettlebells I could curl (15 lb and 26 lb), both of which are lighter than what I normally curl. So I turned it into an isometric move to make it more difficult, curling the 26 lber and holding the 15 lbs.

  • 3 sets x 10 reps per arm

3-point dumbbell row —> Split stance row

  • I only had a 35 lb kettlebell (significantly lighter than what I row at the gym), so I switched to split stance rows which requires more engagement and makes the move more challenging.

  • 3 sets x 10 reps per arm

Dumbbell skull crushers —> Hollow body skull crusher + close grip press

  • With only a 30 lb plate, I made it more difficult by holding a hollow body position and added close grip presses to make it a superset.

  • 3 sets x 10 reps each

Side plank pressout —> Thread the needle

  • All the exercises to this point included a weight, so I wanted something that was bodyweight only while having a similar effect to the exercise it was replacing.

  • 3 sets x 10 reps per side

TRX row —> Renegade row

  • TRX rows engage your posterior chain, and renegade rows do that as well. So it was a good substitute.

  • I didn’t have matching weights. To adjust for the imbalance I alternated the weights in the first two sets so each arm got 5 reps of the heavier weight.

  • In the last set I did 10 reps per arm, switching the weight at 5 reps.

  • An even 20 reps per arm.

  • 2 sets x 5 reps per arm, 1 set x 10 reps per arm

Supine press flye combo —> Wide grip pushup

  • The supine press flye combo works the outer portion of your chest, and by moving our hands out on a classic push up we can achieve that same effect.

  • 3 sets x 10 reps.

Superman alt W - Y —> Resistance band extension

  • I had planned on using light weights (2.5 - 5 lbs) for the supermans. A resistance band was the next best option.

  • 3 sets x 10 reps.

The chart below maps out the planned workout to the modified one.

And this is a bonus video of my girlfriend catching me trying to figure out what I’m doing.

I hope you enjoyed your holidays!


Try These Moves: Push up Variations


5 Exercises, 1 Kettlebell, Full Body - Progression IV