Try This Move: Thread the Needle

Elbow Plank Thread The Needle

  • Get into a side plank on your elbow. Feet stacked or staggered.

  • Tuck your tail bone, squeeze your glutes and engage your core, paying particular attention to lock in the chain from your obliques, down the outside of your leg.

  • Shoot your opposite hand straight up perpendicular to your body. Slowly start to lower your arm, keeping your hand close to your body, palm facing in towards you.

  • When your hand is at your chest, begin rotating by moving your hips down towards the ground.

  • Then let your your core, chest, back, and then arm, hand and head turn. Take a peak over your opposite shoulder.

  • Then rotate your hips away from the ground in the opposite direction, repeating the steps above to bring your hand back up.

  • 3 sets x 10 reps per side


Ruck Plate Series: Workout 2


Ruck Plate Series: Workout 1