Full Body Home Workout

Hereโ€™s another low intensity bodyweight workout for you.

Perform each exercise back to back to back. No breaks until after jumping jacks (the last exercise). Then take as long as you need and then do it again. I ran through it three times with 60-90 seconds in between rounds. Three rounds should take 30 - 40 minutes.

If youโ€™ve been hitting the weights hard then this will be a nice change of pace and feel almost therapeutic. If youโ€™re looking for something efficient and effective to do without leaving your house, then this is a good routine to try. Running through one round can also be an efficient and effective warm up.


Exercise - Rep/Time

Single leg push up 20

Side plank thread the needle 10 each

Kickstand D/L 10 each

Bird dog isometric 30 sec each

Kneeling resistance band row 20

Bicycle crunch 30

Side plank resisted clams 15 each

Flutter kicks 40

Underswitch 10 each


3 exercise circuit


Full Body Home Workout