Standing Kettlebell Rotations

This is a great exercise that engages your core, strengthens your shoulders, and works on mobility and range of motion all at the same time.

Start with the kettlebell just within arms reach in front of you on the floor. Pull your hips back and drop down towards the ground as if you were about to perform a sumo squat.

Grab the kettlebell from the bottom round part, cupping it with both hands. Tuck your tail bone and squeeze your glutes.

Drive through your feet and engage your core as you stand up. Squeeze the kettlebell with a firm grip and raise it to your face.

Using both arms press the kettlebell, keeping it a little out in front of you (straight overhead is no good and you don't want your arms parallel to the floor).

Begin by moving your hips in the direction you want to go and pivoting onto the ball of your opposite foot. Then let your core, chest and back, and eventually arms, hands and head turn in that direction, while simultaneously lowering the kettlebell down to your hip. That's 1 rep.

Then rotate your hips back the other way to begin moving in the opposite direction, repeating the steps above to bring the weight back up and over to the other hip.

Work on this move without weight. Pick up a weight once you can complete 10 good solid reps.


5 Exercises, 1 Kettlebell, Full Body - Progression IV


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