Spruce up your left overs

My girlfriend never finished her salad from CAVA the other day. It was getting to its last legs today so, I had it for lunch. But I didn’t eat it as is. An old wilted salad. I brought it back to life with fresh ingredients. 

Sliced apple. Raw red onion. Italian thin skin pepper. Slow cooked beets. Avocado. Cashews and walnuts. A side of chicken breast from the slow cooker. And finished it with a new dressing of salt, olive oil, and two types of balsamic vinegar. 

The result is this beautiful dish.

A few weeks ago we had left over pad Thai noodles. So I boiled broccoli. Cooked a piece of salmon. And added other fresh ingredients to use the noodles as part of my dish. 

Think about ways to transform leftovers before they hit the garbage. 

What are some ways you transform leftovers?


Homemade Stock and Soup