Salmon asparagus salad

Start with wild salmon. Iโ€™ve been enjoying frozen wild sockeye salmon from Whole Foods or Sprouts (grocers closest to me). But any wild salmon will do. Try to avoid farmed salmon if you can (more to come on that in later newsletters).

Salmon - Preheat the oven to 425. Lightly coat a 4 oz salmon filet (you can cook more than on at a time if you want) with olive oil and a few pinches of salt. Place the salmon face down, skin up (make sure to salt the skin) on a cooking sheet. Cook for 8 - 10 minutes depending on the thickness of the salmon and how well you like it cooked.

Asparagus - Cut the base of the stems off. Line the asparagus on a cookie sheet lightly covered in olive oil and salt. Cook for 8 - 10 minutes if youโ€™re cooking at 425, 12 minutes if cooking at 350. Thick asparagus will take longer. We always buy thin bunches. Youโ€™re looking for bright green color, with some snap.

Put a handful of your favorite greens in a bowl. Slice a ยผ of an avocado. Cut a slice of a red onion and dice it. Slice ยฝ an apple into thin pieces. Place it all on top of the greens. Lightly coat with 1 tbsp of olive oil, a generous amount of red wine vinegar and a few pinches of salt.

Place the salmon and asparagus on top and repeat the coating of oil, vinegar and salt, just lighter this time.


Lentil venison breakfast bowl