Prep for Movement, Don’t Warm Up

I don’t like the term warm up. It implies that the purpose is to get warm. I much prefer the term movement prep, a phrase that I think is pretty common now, but I only picked up recently in my classes with Beth Lewis.

You may get physically warm or even sweaty during a warm up, but that’s not exactly the point. The point is to get prepared for the exercises and workout you are about to do. So, if you were about to swing some kettlebells for instance, a good warm up is a handful of exercises or moves that engage your core, your hip hinge, and target mobility. Not running for 10 minutes on the treadmill.

It’s just another reason why I think most people don’t stick to their workouts long term. They don’t have a good movement prep, and therefore they either skip it, or aren’t properly prepared to workout. And over the long run being unprepared leads to shitty workouts and pain. Movement prep, getting your body and mind primed correctly, is essential to the long term success of any workout program.


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