Workout Journal

Some people decide they can’t before even trying. They decide they don’t like it without even trying. Are you one of those people? Have you ever thought you couldn’t and wouldn’t and then tried and found out you could and did? Remember that the next time you think you can’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, or don’t like something you know nothing about and have never tried. I bet you’ll surprise yourself. - A thought from the assault bike

I've been on a 4 day per week strength program (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri). On Wednesdays and Saturdays I work cardio which lately has been a combination of trail running and cardio equipment in my home gym. Today I did a 40 minutes circuit that included my water water, assault bike, and jump rope.

Water rower

20 mins steady state

4,800 meters

1:49 per 500 meter average

Assault bike

15 minutes of intervals

5 x 30 sec on / 30 sec off

5 x 60 sec on / 60 sec off

4.2 miles

Jump rope

5 mins steady state


2024 Bookshelf


Notes and Reminders