Notes and Reminders

Everything in life is a skill. And every skill can be improved through repetition.

This is a concept that has been growing on me the more I try new things around the house. Gardening. Landscaping. Building things. Things I’ve never had the opportunity to do in my life before and therefore have been relegated in my mind as “things I’m not good at.” True, I’m not great at them, but it’s not for lack of ability, but rather for lack of experience. The more I do them, the better I find I become.

Do what you want. But don’t complain about it.

I hear a lot of people complain about their situations. You are in control of your situation. Even if it doesn’t seem like it. Or even if it is hard. You are in control. You determine your world. So do what you want, but don’t complain about it.

Some of the most important changes you’ll make in your life are the ones that no one will notice.

We like to think that change happen in one big sweeping move. But it rarely does. Change happens slowly over time, and it therefore is usually happening when no one is noticing. I’ve realized there are a lot of little things I do differently now. My approach to projects, conversations, relationships, have all changed in recent years. Small things like doing just an hour a day on a project until it’s completed and being satisfied with that, rather than stressing myself to accomplishing it all in one day. Listening more and saving what I want to say for the right time rather than blurting it out because I think it’s important. Accepting other people’s quirks and tendencies instead of trying to advise them how to do things differently. These are just some examples of things that go unnoticed but have had a profound impact on my life.


Workout Journal


Forget cereal, it’s trash