Forget cereal, it’s trash

My girlfriend sent me this picture this morning of her co-workers breakfast. It’s a bowl of Fruit Loops. Also known as cereal.

I understand the hunkering for cereal, or a big bowl of sugar. I too have those cravings. In fact, I coincidentally (or not) had one of those cravings this morning. I woke up at 6 am and almost imeddiately got to doing yard work. With very minimal breaks to refill my coffee, go to the bathroom, and book a hotel, I worked straight through to 10:30 am and worked up an appetite in the process.

That, in additition to a big dinner of meat and veggies had me craving something fruity and sweet this morning.

So, this is what I ate. A big bowl of sugar, only, my sugar was made up of fruits, which means I also got fiber, and healthy fats from yogurt, walnuts, and chia. Starting your day with a bowl of blueberries, banana, dates, and homemade dried apricrots, is probably not what most nutritionists or dietitians would recommend, BUT, sometimes that’s what my body calls for and its WAY BETTER than Fruit Loops or anything else akin to it.

If you’re craving something sweet grab a nice big bowl of fruit to quench that craving. Cereal, granola, and similar ultra-processed foods are not food and will result in unwanted weight gain and poor health. Maybe not right away, but for sure down the road.


Notes and Reminders


Notes to Self