Notes to Self

Maintain, Progress, Maintain, Progress

Sometimes you just have to maintain before you can advance. Sometimes finding ways to maintain is just as important as making progress. Not allowing yourself to fall too far behind, or to fall too far off the wagon, is just as important as improving. You want the gap to be as small as possible for when you’re ready to move forward.

Being annoyed

When I’m annoyed by something or someone, I try to ask myself why am I annoyed. Instead of jut accepting my annoyance, I try to figure out what it is that’s actually annoying me. And then from there I can work on addressing the root cause of my annoyance and therefore not being annoyed.

A lot of times it just comes down to accepting the situation, which requires a shift in mindset. Shifting from “I should be annoyed,” “I’m entitled to being annoyed,” to “what would happen if I accept this and move on?”

There are so many thing that can conjure up the feeling of being annoyed or not wanting to do something (i.e. go to the DMV) immediately upon thinking about them. Simply reframing these things from the “annoyed” bucket, to the “no big deal” bucket, has had a tremendous impact on my mental wellbeing.

Health advice

Most health advice starts with the assumption that you’re sedentary for most of the day. If you can be moderately active for most of the day, then you can eliminate mot of the diet and exercise advice you hear. If you can also eat only real foods, then you almost don’t even need to think about your health. Eliminate drinking and drugs, get adequate sleep, and you’ll be on your way to achieving your goals.

Listening to intuition

Why do I always questions what I want to do? I think it’s weird that instead of being confident in what my intuition tell me, I push the advice aside and seek alternative answers. Your brain wants what’s best for you. You just need to learn how to listen to it.

I hate Amazon

Does it piss anyone else off that any time they click a link to buy a product from a website (say from a DIY blog) that it always goes to People link products like “hey, this is where I got this.” Like, “no shit, you bought it on Amazon. Strong search skills.” It’s akin to the LMGTFY phenomenon. People are so lazy.


Forget cereal, it’s trash


Workout Journal