Workout Journal

I’m onto week 3 of my current 4 week strength training program and already I can feel that I’m getting stronger. I did incline dumbbell bench press today and it was the easiest I’ve been able to move the weight. Interestingly, my chest felt sore from the push up challenge I’ve also been doing, but it didn’t impede my workout. It actually helped it.

The past two nights I’ve also finally been able to stay in bed and sleep, aided by 5 mg of edibles before bed. For the past few weeks I’ve been jumping out of bed even though I know I wasn’t rested, but I just couldn’t wait to get up and start my day. But I really needed that extra 90 minutes each morning, and the past two nights I got it.

During my workout today I was thinking about mindset (something I think about so often). I was thinking about how sometimes I get depressed or anxious thinking about the fact that eventually my body is going to breakdown and I’m not going to get the results I’m used to from working out and diet.

But whenever I start to go down that path, I immediately correct it thinking about people who beat those odds. Guys I’ve followed on social media or elsewhere who are well into their 40s, 50s, or 60s and look and perform better than me. Guys on the triathlon course who were 20 years my senior passing me on the bike or the run.

I also think about myself and the fact that in my early 20s I don’t think I would’ve ever pictured looking or feeling as good as I do as I approach 40.

The point, to bring it back to mindset, is that I have a choice. I can think about the pre-programmed inevitability of declining as I age that has been fed to us our whole lives, or, I can think about all the guys and girls who have continued to perform, continued to defy the odds, and in some cases who have actually improved as they’ve gotten older.

I have a choice of what to focus on. And whenever something negative, depressing, or anxiety provoking, works its way into my head, I immediately look for the alternative. The happy, calming, and positive possibilities that exist, and focus on those.


What you picture food waste to be versus what it really is


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