It’s All Energy

The last time I stepped into an office was October 2018. The last time I responded to a work email was January 2019. Since then, I’ve had no formal job, and therefore no reason to worry about whether or not it was working hours. If it was a weekday or weekend. Whether or not business was closed do to a holiday. And despite not having to worry about it, I still feel it’s energy.

The weekends are still calmer. Relief sets in when 5 oclock hits. And long holiday weekends still feel like long holiday weekends.

But they shouldn’t right? Shouldn’t all hours, days and weeks essentially feel the same when there is no pressure of work, having to show up, having to perform?

Well they don’t. Weekdays still feel like workdays. And work hours (9 - 5) still carry the most tension in the day. It’s an interesting phenonmen that I think gives credence to the idea that everything is energy.

Monday - Friday, 9 - 5 it’s the energy of the working people around me that I feel. The energy of people commuting to and from work. And on holidays, weeknights and weekends, it’s their collective release of the work week and embrace of time off that I feel.

I thought after a while that feeling of being tied to societal energy would wane. But it hasn’t. In some ways its as strong as ever.




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