
The thing that people mess about carbs is that it’s not about eliminating them, it’s about transitioning to better carbs. If you’re eating a lot of ultra processed foods, simple carbohydrates, or consuming drinks that are high in sugar, then you need to start replacing each one of those with something better. Rolled oats are better than cereal. A piece of fruit is better than a soda. Locally sourced bread is better than store bought bread. The elimination of carbs is not important, consuming quality, complex carbs is.

If you eliminate carbs all together, then you’re going to create an immediate deficit in your diet, creating an unsustainable situation. Your body, which is used to running on carbohydrates for energy, is now left without an energy source. Diets such as keto work by transitioning your body to run off of fat (both stored and consumed). But getting into a state of ketosis is extremely difficult, and just as hard to stay in it. So you end up unhappy, and not feeling good because you’re running on empty.

Make note of all the different carbs you eat, and then come up with a healthier alternative. At least once a day choose the healthier option, until you’re able to replace two, then three, then all meals and drinks. It’s going to take time, but that’s what progress needs, and that is what will make the transition sustainable.


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