Leave Your Old Self Behind

Sometimes the hardest part about stepping into your new self, is leaving your old self behind. Your old self is what has got you this far. It’s what’s made you successful. It’s the person people know. It’s the person relationships are based off of. It’s the person you’re comfortable being. But on your way to your new self, your old self just holds you back.

You have to be confident to leave your old self behind.

Doing anything as your new self is going to feel uncomfortable. You’re going to feel unsure. The tried and true ways your used to, are now obsolete. You’re learning your new ways. Learning takes time. Learning is uncomfortable. But it always leads to something greater.

If you want to become the person you’ve always been dreaming of, you need to kiss goodbye to your old habits, old reactions and old insecurities, and embrace everything that is new and feels good.

It can be hard to say goodbye, but that old self no longer serves you. You’re after the new you. The real you. And there’s no time to second guess it. Out with the old. In with the new.


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