Finding The Positive

I jacked up my back today at the gym. I felt it when I was doing bent over reverse flyes (a nice exercise). All of a sudden my back got real tight, like it was right about to spasm and I froze. For anyone that’s ever thrown their back out knows there is nothing scarier than that moment. 

All day since, I’ve been worried about my back, weighting for it to go. 

That’s the bad side. 

The positive side is that it made me realize that I have not thought about my back pain in months. Something that used to consume my mind day and night. I injured myself running, never rehabbed the injury, and ended up with 3 years of miserable back and hip pain. By the end, it had basically taken over my life, and it’s only recently begun to subside. 

That’s the good side. It’s been months since I remember being worried about my back, and that’s progress.

So what actually happened to my back? Very rarely does one just wake up and throw their back out. Usually it’s the result of a handful of small errors that lead to it.

I’ve been working out hard everyday (with few exceptions) over the last month. Yesterday I spent too much time on the stair climber at too high of a speed. And today I worked out 4 hours earlier than I usually do. Those three things, coupled with some tough inch worm sets, I believe is what almost put me over the edge today.

My next rest day isn’t until Sunday, so the next few days need to be light.


What Can You Do?


Just Go