Just Go

We have this preconceived notion that every time we step into the gym we need to be making progress. That can be increasing the weight. Increasing the reps. Decreasing the rest interval. We also have this idea that we need to kill ourselves to get a good workout (think about the trend of fitness studios like Orange Theory, Barry’s, F45). But it’s just not true.. 

Today for me was a good example. 

My girlfriend and I are taking an early field trip to a donkey sanctuary she’s been following for years. We’re going on a 1 hour tour starting at 10 am. The ranch is 1 hour away. So to be there on time we needed to leave by 845 am. 

Recently I’ve been going to the gym at 10 - 11 am or later. Today I needed to be in the gym by 7 if I wanted to get a workout in. The idea of going that early sucked. My morning routine had become routine and I really didn’t want to disturb it. 

I also knew my body wasn’t going to be ready and primed that early to get going. A 4 hour difference in training schedule is huge. I thought about just not going. The idea of pushing myself that early was not sitting well. So I compromised with myself. I went, but backed off the effort.

Today was a day about preservation not progression. 

Instead of increasing my weight, I decreased them by 10%. I took my full rest interval. And I didn’t do any extra reps, or any longer pauses at the top of a movement. I did just what I thought was enough to get the workout in and stay consistent. 

Sometimes that’s what it takes. Showing up ready for a slow, easy day even when it’s programmed to be the opposite. It’s ok because it’s still one more day of engraining the habit. Don’t be afraid to back it off to show up. 


Finding The Positive


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