Workout journal 6/20/24

I mailed it in today. I have been doing a lot of manual labor, so I've been tired going into my workouts. Today I did a lot of manual labor, and I was dreading my workout.

But I knew I wanted to do it, even though it would be a struggle, and that it would make me feel better. So, I started thinking about how I could make it more beneficial and less dreadful.

I decided that I would really back off the weight from last week, and I would keep the whole thing to under 30 mins. It was already 6 pm, and I still needed to cook dinner.

So, that's what I did. I dropped the weight, and shortened my rest period. I put my phone on silent and just got through it.

It sucks to end Phase II having to modify the workout, but I know that in the long run, lightening the load and getting the workout done will be more beneficial.

Cheers to the end of Phase II. I'll circulate Phase III next weekend. Enjoy the week off. I know of at least one person who said they are looking forward to it. I am too.


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