Push-Up Complex

This is a fun push-up complex to add into a workout or when you need a pick me up after staring at a screen all day.

These exercises are part of a longer and more comprehensive program Iā€™m hoping to put out in the next few weeks.

Perform 1 rep of each exercise without stopping. Repeat the cycle as many times as you want.

  1. Classic push-up

  2. Push-up to side plank (1 per side)

  3. Single leg push-up (1 per leg)

  4. Push-up shoulder tap (1 per shoulder)

  5. Plyo push-up with clap (if clapping is too difficult, just explode off the floor without it)

If you have trouble getting through the whole thing, take a break and then come back for another attempt. Keep coming back until you complete the circuit without stopping. And then, do it again.



One Minute Plank Complex