Breakfast: Vegetable Soup and Eggs Over Easy

I love having a nice vegetable soup in the refrigerator to use as the base for any dish. This morning I decided to use it for breakfast.

I pumped up the soup with a handful of boiled broccoli, chopped red onion, and spiced pumpkin seeds (which added a nice texture to every bite).

For protein, and to make it feel more like โ€œbreakfast,โ€ I added two pasture raised eggs from Sisu Farms cooked over easy. The runny yolk brought an additional layer of flavor to the dish.

I finished the bowl with salt, fig balsamic vinegar, and olive oil that was imported from Palestine and being sold at a local store called The Local (itโ€™s also where I was able to pick up 2 whole pasture raised chickens from Sisu Farms).

This warm tasty dish was the perfect way to start my day.


Breakfast: Turkey Chili


Crock Pot Chicken and Lentils