Workout Journal

I’m away at a conference for two days. I’m actually only 20 miles from where I live, but since Jen and I haven’t gotten away recently, and we would’ve needed to have a dog sitter anyway, we decided to use it as an excuse to get away. So, we’re spending two nights in a cute little hotel, in a cute little town.

All I brought with me to exercise is two resistance bands. A 15 - 35 lb, and a 25 - 65 lb.

Day 1 of the conference was today, and I thought that if I got up at 6 am it would leave me enough time to get through my morning routine (including my daily Campfire Squat Test), as well as my workout. Turns out, not so much. I barely had time to drink a coffee (caused by a broken machine in the lobby).

All I had it turns out was 12 minutes extra before we had to go. I know this because that is how long I exercised for this morning. I got through 3 rounds of my first two exercise superset, and that was it. We were out the door.

In a past life that would have frustrated me the whole day. I would’ve been pissed that “I didn’t get my workout in.” But in my present life I just accepted it, and decided when I got back to the hotel after the conference I would finish my workout. And, that’s what I did.

Most of us have this idea in our head that our workouts have to be long, hard, and continuous. And that message couldn’t be further from the truth. The only thing that matters in the long run is consistency. Something I’m trying to show to people through my 30 days challenges. First, the push up challenge in which I went from 31 push ups on day 1, to averaging over 50 in the last 7 days. And the second one where I’m working on nailing at least one Campfire Squat (feet and knees together, ass to the ground). I’m currently able to do 0, and it’s been 5 days (but I’m getting closer).

The point is, feel free to break out of whatever mold you’ve been led to believe is true when it comes to exercise. If you can only fit 1 push up in the morning into your routine. Do 1 push up. If you only have 12 minutes. Do 12 minutes. If you find time later in the day, pick up the rest.

It feels good to be on the other side of a manic mentality when it comes to fitness. There’s so much more to fitness than killing yourself with a workout and torturing yourself with a diet. Take whatever size steps you can towards a healthier you.


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