Two Voices

I have two voices in my head. I refer to them as Voice 1 and Voice 2. Voice 1, true to its name, is the first voice I hear in my head. It tells me what I need. It’s in tune with my intuition. It knows when I’m hungry. When I need to exercise. When I need to eat. And when I need to work. It tells me when I should be loving, compassionated, open, and understanding. It tells me when I need time alone to recharge. When I need to read, write, or disconnect. Voice 1 keeps me on my path.

Voice 2, on the other hand, serves to contradict everything that Voice 1 says, and it fills my head with doubt, fear, and reasons to ignore Voice 1. Voice 2 is my voice of “should.” You should do this. You shouldn’t do that. Voice 2 is the devil on my shoulder, but not because he’s telling me to do anything that’s wrong or bad. But because Voice 2 serves exclusively to knock me off my path.

There is no right or wrong between the two. There’s only the observation that when I follow Voice 1, that when I go with that first thought that pops into my head, my days and life are better.


Protein Skepticism


I’ll vote for whoever will get the bathrooms open