Notes on Seeking Out Fitness Advice

Figure Out What Works For You

When it comes to seeking out advice, specifically as it relates to diet and exercise, the thing to keep in mind is the advice you’re getting is based on what works for that person. It will be the rarest of occasions that someone knows what you need and what will work for you. There’s just too many variables for anyone other than yourself to know.

How many hours you work. What your stress levels are. What foods don’t digest well. Which do. What have you tried in the past. How much time you have. How much sleep you get. What’s your quality of sleep. These are all questions that need to be taken into consideration.

And if you are constantly doing what someone else is suggesting, and it doesn’t work, then eventually you’re going to become frustrated. But you don’t have to, because it might just not be your formula. You need to find what works for you through trial and error.

There is no quicker way.

You want to keep trying things and searching for what works. And when something works, stick to it. And when it stops working, start searching again. Things in life change. Your age. Stress level. Sleep quality and quantity. They are all constantly in flux so it’s not uncommon for a diet you liked to stop showing any results. Or a workout routine to all of a sudden feel too easy or too hard. Things change and old methods stop working and you need to find new ones. 

What’s really important to understand is it’s not a process with an end point. It’s the reason people call it a lifestyle, or as Equinox so eloquently puts its, “It’s not fitness. It’s life.” You’re going to need to keep working at it. But the benefit is, the more you work it, the better you’ll be at identifying what you need. And that’s the goal. 

Get to that point where what you need calls out to you.


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