A Pep Talk on Confidence

A lot of what’s stopping you from accomplishing what you want is confidence. When I think about the reason I need to get a job and start making money, it’s a fear that I’ll run out of money. Even though, luckily, barring a disaster, that day is a long way off.

What I really fear is, that if/when I run out of money, I won’t be able to make any more. Despite all of the things that I’ve accomplished in the past 6 years, none of them made me any money. So, in my mind, I’m afraid I won’t be able to. I lack confidence that I’ll be able to do it, and therefore, I’m afraid. And my fear pushes me to look for money. Despite not wanting or needing any right now.

So, there’s two possible truths. Either, I don’t know how to make money. Or, I haven’t been trying to. All the things I’ve accomplished and I continue to accomplish, are not being driven by money. They were all driven by an interest in exploring, and a passion to push myself.

So, which one is it? Can I turn my interests and passion into a money making endeavor when I need to? Can I focus my energy on earning a living if I need to?

That’s where confidence comes in.

I have to be confident that if I just keep following my interests and passions, that one day when I need it, the money will flow. That I have the talent and ambition to make that happen. Otherwise, what’s the point? What am I doing? What have I been doing for the past five years? Why have interests and passions if I’m not going to pursue them? Put them at the center of my life, and make money doing them.

So, when my doubt start to creep in, I repeat a shortened version of this to myself, and nine times out of ten, it breaks down the negative thought, and stopping it from ever entering my brain.

Go sell crazy somewhere else, were all stocked up here.


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