Upper Body Workout 2-24-25

I went snow shoeing in the morning, but when I got home I felt like pushing some weights. So I put together this simple, low intensity, upper body workout in order to scratch my itch.

I liked the format. In the past I had been doing three supersets, and including a core movement in two of them. In this workout I saved the core complex for the end. A structure I learned in the classes I’ve been doing with Beth Lewis.

It’s nice because it allowed me to focus on the other movements, and I had more energy to push more weight. I also took a full 2 minutes rest at the end of each round of supersets. Overall the workout took around 60 minutes, without a warm up or cool down. Add on another 10 - 15 for those.

My plan is to put together a new program with this structure. Three days per week, and the other days some form of cardio. Hopefully coming out towards the end of Spring.


Full Body Workout from 2-21-25