Wild Salmon and Purple Sweet Potato

Wild Sockeye Salmon with purple sweet potato, mushrooms and sliced avocado

Salmon. Preheat the oven to 425. Lightly coat a 4 oz salmon filet (you can cook more than on at a time if you want) with olive oil and a few pinches of salt. Place the salmon face down, skin up (make sure to salt the skin) on a cooking sheet. Cook for 8 - 10 minutes depending on the thickness of the salmon and how well you like it cooked.

Purple Sweet Potato. Place a purple sweet potato in a microwaveable dish. Cover it in a wet paper towel. Add a 1/2 inch of water to the dish. Microwave for 8 minutes (or until done). Peel the potato and cut it up into small pieces. Mix in a bowl with two pinches of salt and a tbsp of ghee. 

Mushrooms. Organic baby bellas are good. Bring a pan to medium-high heat. Add a tbsp of olive oil. Slice the mushrooms, and add them to the preheated pan. Leave undisturbed for 5 minutes, then toss and let sit for another five. 

Assemble. Add the salmon to a bowl. Drizzle red wine vinegar on it and add a 1/2 a handful of chopped onions. Add a pinch of salt. Put your sweet potato, mushrooms and 1/8 of a sliced avocado in the dish and enjoy.  

Buon appetito! 


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