Blueberry Pancake Breakfast

Pancake breakfast

Birthday pancakes.

Pancake mix. We used Birch Benders Paleo pancake mix. Follow the instructions on the back (1 cup mix to 3/4 cup water), add an egg (it adds a nice fluffiness to it), 6 pinches of chia seeds, and 6 handfuls of blueberries, and mix. Bring a pan to medium heat, and add 1 tbsp of grass-fed and finished butter. Add two ladles worth of mix to the pan and cook for 3 - 5 minutes, flip and allow the other side to cook for an additional 3 - 5 minutes. Repeat with all of the mix.

Assemble. Add 2 - 3 pancakes to your plate. Butter your pancakes with ghee. Add a pinch of chopped walnuts. Add a pinch of cocoa nibs. And a handful of raspberries. Drizzle with maple syrup! And indulge!

Buon Appetito!


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