Baked Chicken Thighs and 3 Bs

Baked chicken thighs and veggies

Baked Chicken thighs and three of my favorite B vegetables (beets, broccoli and brussels)!

Buy a pack of organic free range chicken thighs (pasture raised is best if you can get it). Preheat the oven to 425. Put the chicken thighs into a Pyrex. Coat them lightly in enough olive oil so they don’t stick to the dish. Add a pinch of salt to each one (each side), and some black pepper. Add a 1/4 cup of water to the dish. Leave them right side up. Cook at 425 for 20 minutes. 

Broccoli. Chop one broccoli crown into bite size pieces. Bring a small pot of water to boil. Add broccoli and let cook for 3 - 5 minutes (taste test before removing from water). Once strained, add the broccoli back to the pan, add two pinches of salt and a tbsp of grass-fed butter, and mix.

Brussels, cut the stems off and quarter or halve them (if bigger). Toss in a bowl with 1 tbsp of olive oil and two pinches of salt. Dice half a poblano chile. Chop one slice of onion. Chop two gloves of garlic. Add onion, garlic and chile to a pan with olive oil, set to medium heat. Once the onions, garlic and poblano start letting off an aroma, add the Brussels. Add a splash of water to the pan and cover. Let cook undisturbed for 5 minutes. Toss and cover for another 5. 

Beets. Remove the skin with a peeler or a knife (be careful). Cut medium size beets into quarters, larger beets in eighths. Put them in a small pot with enough water to cover the beets by an inch. Bring to a boil then reduce to simmer and allow to cook for 45 - 60 minutes (depending on preference). Try to pierce them with a fork. Remove them from water but keep the water you boiled them in. This water now contains all the nutrients that escaped the beets during the process. Put it in a jar in the fridge and enjoy it as a slightly sweet cold drink later in the day. 

In a bowl add a handful of the broccoli, a handful of brussels, and a handful of beets. Cut up a palm size piece of chicken and add it. Chop a few walnuts, add them. Throw on a few raisins for sweetness. Cover the dish with a few pinches of salt, ume plum vinegar and a drizzle of olive oil. 

Buon Appetito!!


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