
Everyone talks about the effects of too much waste, then they go and waste. Take out containers. Take out drinks. Ziplock bags. Aluminum foil. Paper towels. Whatever it is. Watch someone for a while and you’ll find how much they waste.

I hate being wasteful. It comes off as being frugal, or cheap. But I’m not the latter. I just don’t like to waste. Whether that’s floss or money, I just don’t see the point.

So when I see people waste around me it twists my insides because I can picture that plastic cup or styrofoam container sitting in a pile of garbage rotting, just poisoning our land and water. And it kills me.

So I try not to be wasteful. I try to be very conscious of it. And frugal. But I know it’s such an up hill battle in the quick, easy, efficient world we live in where nothing is meant to last. Sadly, including the planet.


Bad Decisions


Locked Away