Warming up can be anything

I know how important a good warm up is, but the problem is that warming up invokes a feeling of boredom, and, when Iโ€™m crunched for time, and just trying to squeeze in a workout between everything else going on in my day, I end up skipping it, and jumping right into my workout.

I can get away with it for a few days, but I ultimately pay the price in the form of decreased range of motion and sometimes pain from a gunked up fascia. But, I still skip it more than I should. I have however found work around that enables me to get some chores done, and get my body warm for a workout.

If youโ€™re working out at home, a warm up can be anything. Sweep out the garage for 5 minutes. Go walk around and water the plants. Organize that room, closet, or patio space youโ€™ve been ignoring. Vacuum the house. Do a big load of dishes. I donโ€™t know if many prominent fitness people would agree with me or not, but I think that if the choice is nothing, or 10 - 20 minutes of house chores, thatโ€™s better than nothing.

A few recent examples:

Swept and swifered the mat in my garage. Plus a little more. Total time: 12 minutes.

Mowed and edged the lawn. Total time: 30 - 40 minutes.

Dug three holes to plant a shrub, a rose bush, and a plant. Total time: 20 - 30 minutes.

Not conventional, but better than nothing.


How often do we try to avoid the thing we need?