The Children

We really need to focus on the children. We can’t be sentencing them to a life of surgery and medicine. We just cant. It sickens me every time I see it suggested. And recently that’s been a lot.

Children hold hope for the future. They can be taught how to be healthy and strong. Their body’s are malleable and adept at adapting. There’s time for all of them to turn the tables for themselves and secure a more certain future.

If there’s one thing we should be able to get right and agree on, it’s that every child should have access to the food he or she needs to grow up healthy and active. That every child should have access to exercise resources that will help embed healthy routines into their lives from a young age.

That’s not impossible to accomplish. I don’t think it’s asking a lot. It can be easily done if resources were redirected and stricter regulations (i.e. on school lunches) were put in place.

I’d love to see a future where the newest generation sees this come to fruition.


Sharon Osbourne on Ozempic


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