Notes to self

What is possible

A lot of life is learning that you can do that. Learning what is possible. Once you learn something is possible, you understand that it is possible for you.

Spending vs Wasting

People confuse spending with wasting. You can spend money without wasting it. But I think most people waste more money than they realize.

I was talking to the guy running new internet fiber through my property. He grew up in Williamsburg during the crack days and the killing days (as he told it). Late 70s, early 80s. He said that he got out. Moved to Colorado 25 years ago and made a family. He goes back to visit and still sees the same guys running the streets. The same guys he grew up with. Those who aren’t dead or in jail. He said there’s no excuse for not getting out.

Later in the conversation he revealed, unknowingly, how he was able to get out.

His dad steered him away from drugs and violence. He pushed him towards more upstanding ways of making money. Running odd jobs in the neighborhood. He taught him to always look people in the eyes and say yes sir. To look away was disrespect. He said that once crack hit in 79’ a lot of peoples dads went from gainfully employed, to unemployed and addicted to crack. Or worse, a lot of them ended up dead.

The path to better yourself is not an easy or straight forward one. There needs to be some level of guidance. You need to know that there are options. You need to know what is possible.

For many people, what they know is all they know, and there’s no shame in that. For many of us, if we didn’t receive the guidance we have throughout our life, we might not be any better off. People need help. They need to be made to understand that a different existence is possible. And shown through example.

To just think everyone should be able to figure it out reflects a lack of awareness, understanding, and compassion. It also reflects a certain level of ignorance and arrogance. Examples to the contrary might exist, but they are the exception and not the rule.


Sleep is the most important thing. Everything you do throughout the day should be done with a good night’s sleep in mind.

Too much

I think that most people take on too much, too soon, and too often, and end up spending their life playing catch up. This is part of the programming we’re all subjected to throughout our lives. Do more. Have more. Is the direction we’re pushed in.


Notes to self


Kill The Meal Kit Delivery Companies