Meal Prep

Meal prep isn’t about getting everything cooked at once. Meal prep is making the best use of your time in the kitchen. If you’re going to be near the stove, you might as well make the most of it by utilizing all the different modalities it has to offer.

Bake chicken breast in the oven.

Boil broccolli.

Saute brussel sprouts.

Cooking in three different ways (boiling, baking, sautéing) also make it easier to compartmentalize what you’re doing, so you don’t forget to give anything attention.

The chicken in the oven is on a 25 - 30 minute timer.

The broccolli, once the water is boiling, only needs 3 - 5 minutes.

The brussel sprouts require the most attention, tossing them every few minutes for 10 - 12 minutes.

Fry up some brussels. Boil some broccoli. Bake some chicken. Make some extra and you’ve got lunch or dinner (breakfast?) for a few days.



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