Mindset Shift: Focusing on how privileged my life is

Life is a privilege, and when I look at it that way, it’s makes everything easier. 

I have to go to the DMV to get my license and registration. The DMV is so annoying. It takes forever. I have to pay a fee for a license, a late fee for my registration. They are such money hungry people. Everyone working there, doesn’t want to be there.

Or, what a privilege it is that I get to have a license. I get to drive a car. I have the ability to come and go as I please. 

God, I do not want to workout today. My day is full. I have so much work to do. I’m hungry. I’m tired. Those two days at the conference wrecked me. My back and hips are killing me from sitting. I don’t want to do it!

Or, what a privilege that I get to workout. That I have the physical ability to workout. That although I’m tired, hungry, sore, and I have a full day, that I can make time to do something good for me. That I’ve been blessed with that choice.

I don’t want to cook. Cooking takes too much time. After I cook, I’ll have to clean. Besides, I don’t have anything to cook. So, I’ll have to go grocery shopping, and I already have a full day with limited time. I want to just order in or go out to eat. So what I’ve eaten out every meal the past two days at the conference. I’ll get back on track when I’m ready. 

Or, what a privilege that I can walk into a store that is filled from floor to ceiling, wall to wall, with food to cook. That I can pick out the exact ingredients I need and want for my meal. What a privilege that my kitchen has a working stove and running water to make cooking and cleaning so damn easy. 

My girlfriend forgot her medicine today. In a past mindset that would’ve bothered me because it would’ve triggered the “why can’t she remember things” attitude, and the “do I have to do everything/why me” respsone. But, not in my current mindset. 

In my current mindset I’m happy that she forgot it because it means I get to bring it to her. That I get to see her while she’s working. That I get to do something for her today. It’s a privilege that I even have her in my life at all and it’s not a privilege I want to overlook. 

When I got to her work and gave her her medication she said, “I told Taylor [her colleague] that James was going to say, ‘you need to be more organized.’” I hadn’t said that. I didn’t bring that negative energy between us.

I did say, “no problem, I’ll bring them in a few. Is there anything else you need”

So when she told me this I got to say, “ I didn’t say anything.” To which she smiled at me and said, “I know.”

Life is so much better this way.


How often do we try to avoid the thing we need?


Man vs Nature, So many lessons from the garden