Everything That’s Irresistible

Every thing that’s ever been irresistible about life is now at it’s most abundant, accessible and affordable it’s ever been.


Social media is the most addictive media we’ve ever faced. You can’t turn it off. You carry it around with you all day. You can’t leave it home like you did the radio, or turn it off like you can a TV. It’s with you everywhere.

It provides a feeling of community while being disconnected. Of being liked while hating yourself. Of providing information that is usually promoted. It’s so toxic.


Ultra processed food has got to be the most advanced form of food we’ve ever known. It is designed to be extremely palatable and hit a dopamine bliss point in your brain. Keeping you coming back for more and more.

That fact that it is so deconstructed and repackaged means it is both easily digestible and calorically dense, which combines to enable over eating.


Opioids are the main focus, but all drugs today are at their most potent. “They don’t make weed like they used to” is something I hear often. But opioids?

It started with lies about Oxycontin that got thousands of people addicted. Then it turned to fentanyl. A drug that is 100x morphine. Anyone whos ever been under morphine knows how strong fentanyl must be.

Everything is at it’s height keeping everyone distracted, lethargic and broken.

It shouldn’t be hard to see why our country remains inequitable and divided.


Happy or Stuck


Bad Decisions