
I hate Trump for all the reasons that anyone who hates Trump hates Trump. But I also admire him.

I admire him for his willingness to break away from the conventional. To a lot of people they see this and think “he’s a criminal.” Maybe. I don’t know.

But what I do know is that he figured out how to come into the Republican Party as a complete outsider who many people despised and never wanted to see him win, and he won.

Now, during the Republican primaries he’s refusing to debate. It’s pissing a lot of people off who want to see him on the stage. And it’s pissing off the other candidates who want the opportunity to debate him (or at least they say they do). But the reality is, as annoying as it might be, as pompous as it might seem, and as unconventional as it is, it is the reason I also appreciate it.

He’s figured out that Republican debates (any debates) are meaningless and ineffective. He’s realized that he can make better use of his time by holding a rally, and taking 3 hours to deliver his message to people who want to hear it, instead of sharing 3 hours arguing to make a point.

Winning sometimes requires breaking the mold and being unconventional. And while some of his methods might appear “unethical” or “immoral” (the courts will decide) the take away is that, to win, and disrupt an industry (two party politics), you need to be willing to take risks and piss a few people off.


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