MoveTen Bodyweight Workout Series

I created the MoveTen Bodyweight Series in 2020 during COVID lockdowns. With all of the gyms closed, and without access to any weights or equipment, the only option I saw was bodyweight exercises.

I used the series to stay in shape, and maintain my sanity. Other than cycling, which as an aside was stellar during COVID because there were no cars on the road, these workouts were all I had.

But I also developed the structure with others in mind, hoping that itโ€™s simplicity, accessibility, and minimal time commitment would appeal to anyone. Whether that was people like me with prior exercise experience, people looking to start their journey, and everyone in between. I wanted to find a way to help people move.

The name, MoveTen, came out of the format of the program. 8 - 10 exercises designed to be done in 10 minutes or less. The success of the program relies on committing to a minimum of 10 minutes, 3x per week. I hoped that if done consistently it would encourage more movement, more exercise, and other healthy behavioral changes. MoveTen was envisioned as an entry point into the world of exercise.

I also envisioned it being a good routine for all the people newly working from home. Stuck at their computer and desk all day, other people working from their couch, the MoveTen series seemed like a good way to break up their day, and provide some therapeutic benefits to that counteracted the sedentary nature of their work.

My last use case was to have it act as a warm up. Which is how Iโ€™ve been using it recently. Warms up are typically boring, unimaginative, and therefore often skipped. But this series, with its variety of exercises, always seemed to keep me engaged, and do the trick. A 10 minute warm up is an ideal amount of time to get primed.

Iโ€™m re-releasing and re-recording the workouts. This time I see it as being part of a bigger program (the details of which Iโ€™ll share at a later date after Iโ€™ve gotten everything together). But the short description is to say Iโ€™ll have three programs of varying length and difficulty that when taken together will form what I believe is a comprehensive training program that will help anyone at any stage of their exercise journey. The over arching goal of this larger series of workouts will be to show people how to build their own workouts, and provide a structure that promotes consistency and progress. The foundational programs are:

When done consistently, and from the beginning, I truly believe that this collection of programs will bring anyone into the best shape of their life.

The best way to use the MoveTen program is to start with Workout I, and repeat it 3x per week for one week (i.e. Monday, Wednesday, Friday). The idea is to perform each exercise and the prescribed repetitions as one big superset, that is with no break, in immediate succession. While the most basic way to complete the workouts is by completing just one round (one time through each exercise), these workouts can easily become more challenging by simply adding more rounds. In the past, especially when I was stuck at home, I would go for 3 - 4 rounds of a workout, turning a 10 minute workout into 40 - 50 minutes.

If you are going for multiple rounds, give yourself a 60 - 90 second break before starting your next round.

In week 2, do Workout II, 3x. Week 3, Workout III, 3x, on and on until youโ€™ve completed all 12 workouts over the course of 12 weeks.

There are a couple of benefits to repeating the same workout 3 times in a week. One is to familiarize yourself with the moves, reps, and cadence. Second, to realize progress immediately. By the third workout, i.e. Friday, you should already see improvements in movement, strength, and endurance. Iโ€™m a believer in progress, and I think its key to staying consistent. As humans we like to see immediate results from our efforts, and I think this program does just that.

The beauty of the series is that the building blocks are there for you to play with. Choose what works for you, your schedule, and your energy level. There is no wrong way to go about it.

I hope you use it, enjoy it, and realize results.

MoveTen Series -


Full Body Workout from 2-17-25


Phase IV: 4 Day Functional Strength Workout