2024 Podcasts

Health / Gut Microbiome

Gut health & the microbiome: improving and maintaining the microbiome, probiotics, prebiotics, innovative treatments, and more | Colleen Cutcliffe, Ph.D.

I wasn’t intending to but Colleen Cutcliffe, a scientist with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Microbiology, sent me down a rabbit hole this week. Ever since I’ve learned how corrupted the media has become, specifically as it relates to pharmaceutical drugs and healthcare, it seems like I keep running into more examples.

A couple of weeks ago I shared this article, Colon cancer is rising in young Americans. It’s not clear why. from The Washington Post as an example of their intention of sowing doubt in the media. The article offers no concrete reasons and instead contradicts itself the moment it makes an assertion about a possible cause, and uses the exception to prove the rule.

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Self Improvement

The Drive: Overcoming addictive behaviors, elevating wellbeing, thriving in an era of excess, and the scarcity loop | Michael Easter, M.A.

Michael Easter is an investigative journalist, author or The Comfort Crisis and a new book Scarcity Brain, discussed in this episode. Michael Easter makes the point that most of our behaviors as humans are based off what he calls “the scarcity loop,” which consists of three components.

  1. Opportunity - you have an opportunity to get something of value

  2. Unpredictable rewards - you don’t know when and how much, but you know something is coming

  3. Quick repeatability - The faster a human or any animal can repeat a behavior the more likely they are to repeat that behavior

And it’s this evolutionary scarcity loop that food manufacturers, casinos, drugs, retailers, and social media take advantage of to keep us eating, gambling, inebriated, shopping and scrolling.

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Health / Supplements

On Collagen as a Supplement

Last week my cousin asked me my opinion on collagen protein. I didn’t have one. I’ve never actually taken it and didn’t know much about it. But I had been meaning to look into, so I took my cousin’s question as a push to finally do some research.

I turned first to my new favorite nutritionist, EC Synkowski. She put out this podcast episode, On Collagen as a Supplement, in June 2021, which packed a lot of good information into a 25 minute episode. And I also found this post from the Cleveland Clinic useful.

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2024 Articles


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