2023 Podcasts


How I Built This With, Guy Raz: Full body preventive health care with Andrew Lacy of Prenuvo

I’d heard of Prenuvo, a company that offers full body MRI scans to detect potential diseases in the body before they become symptomatic, on a podcast a few years ago. They popped back into my conscious recently when I came across this article, How Much Would You Pay For Peace of Mind?, detailing patient complaints of inaccurate reporting, false positives, and an overall feeling of anxiety due to the uncertainty of their scan. So when I saw this episode with Prenuvo co-founder Andrew Lacy, I tuned in to hear what he might have to say in defense.

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Business / Entrepreneurship

Busting Real Estate Collusion and Price Fixing with Attorney Mike Ketchmark

Mike Ketchmark is the Missouri lawyer who won a class action lawsuit against three of the largest real estate firms in the country, awarding $1.8 billion in damages to half a million home sellers. In this episode Sam Dogen (the Financial Samurai) and Mike Ketchmark discuss details of the case, how the collusion worked and how real estate in the future might be impacted by the ruling. This is an easy listen.

Business / Entrepreneurship

How I Built This, with Guy Raz - Priority Bicycles with Dave Weiner

“It’s all hard work. We’ve been in the right place at the right time. But we wouldn’t have been in the right place at the right time if we didn’t work out butts off.”

“Certainly the one we went with asked the most questions, and because they asked the most questions they got the best answers.”

Two great quotes from Priority Bicycles founder Dave Weiner. His story is worth listening to. This is a good episode.

Food, Food Systems and Policy

How I Built This, with Guy Raz - Reimagining Seafood Production with Aryé Elfenbein and Justin Kolbeck of Wildtype

I’ve been skeptical of lab grown food (whether meat or fish) ever since first hearing about it. I’m a believer in what’s natural is right, and growing food, particularly meat/fish just doesn’t seem right. If you’re like me, then this episode should really intrigue you. Be careful because by the end you might come away with a new perspective you weren’t ready for. I know I did. Here’s part of the description.

“This week on How I Built This Lab, Aryé and Justin discuss the problems with modern seafood production and how their company, Wildtype, hopes to revolutionize the industry by using stem cells to cultivate real, sushi-grade salmon... without harming any actual fish.”

Self Optimization

The Joe Rogan Experience - The Rock

Two guys who are hugely successful and notoriously hard workers talking about all the benefits and no downside to working hard, having focus, and staying disciplined. They also stray into highly controversial topics, like Israel - Hamas. Homelessness. Political corruption and ineffectiveness. It’s a great conversation for anyone.

Finance / Personal Finance

The Tim Ferriss Show Morgan Housel

This episode was the reason I read Same As Ever, by Morgan Housel (the book of the week). I was first introduced to Morgan Housel through the Tim Ferriss podcast a couple of years ago. I immediately liked his pragmatic and realistic approach to money, which inspired me to read his first book (also worth a read), The Psychology of Money. This is just a great conversation filled with funny stories and solid life advice.

*denotes favorite


2023 Bookshelf


Favorite Podcast Episodes